1.Today, at work, an elderly lady came up to the cash register with a flyer in her hand, and asked if we had a certain item.
2.'My child! ' said the elderly lady, folding her arms about her, 'I never saw you so before. '
3.Summoning courage, the elderly lady opened the door slightly, and he stepped sideways to speak into the space.
4.An elderly lady, though not very FAR advanced in years, with a proud carriage and a handsome face, was in the doorway as we alighted.
5.When Prince Vassily went into the drawing-room , the princess was talking in subdued tones with an elderly lady about Pierre.
6.The young man apologized to the elderly lady for spilling coffee on her skirt.
7.Mr. Bounderby being a bachelor, an elderly lady presided over his establishment, in consideration of a certain annual stipend.
8.Then out of the blue, the elderly lady appeared - with a handcart !
9.When the elderly lady wanted to check here-mail, she took a look at the screen , she screamed out and fell to the floor in a dead faint.
10.A camphor wood chest goes around among two students, an elderly lady, a professor's family and a leader. A black humor on daily life.